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12 2014, 02

Check Out Our New YouTube Channel!

2017-07-11T17:14:31-04:002014, Feb 12th|News|

Our new YouTube channel is now live! We only have one video up so far but there will be more to come soon.
Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel to stay up to date with our latest content.

16 2012, 06

Cover & Featured Article in “Our Homes” Magazine

2017-07-11T17:14:31-04:002012, Jun 16th|News|

Our Homes Magazine features our timeless log & timberframe home in the Kawartha Lakes – close to Lindsay but affording privacy on a 50 acre country lot. Who can resist such a superb combination?!

Click on the image to read the article (PDF).

16 2011, 10

New Clubhouse at North Granite Ridge Golf Course

2017-07-11T17:14:31-04:002011, Oct 16th|News|

“Ontario’s Hidden Gem” championship 18 hole golf course in the Muskoka’s, located on South Mary Lake Road, Port Sydney, recently finished construction of a new Colonial Concepts log club house.

Opening scheduled for 2012 season – see you on the 1st tee!

13 2011, 10

Featured Article in “Our Homes” Magazine

2017-07-11T17:14:31-04:002011, Oct 13th|News|

“T he friendly hospitality of Eric and Sherry Hallman is never in doubt as they invite you into their comfortable log country home between Durham and Hanover.”  The owner’s thorough pre-planning resulted in a comfortable country home that is both practical and beautiful. This cozy log home is at one with its environment and in sync with the couple’s busy lives. We wish Eric and Sherry the best in their beautiful Colonial Concepts Log Home – and many thanks for forwarding the article.

Click here to view the full article from “Our Homes” Magazine (PDF)

2 2011, 07

Featured Article in “Our Homes” Magazine

2020-05-18T13:15:01-04:002011, Jul 2nd|News|

“The thought of not having a cottage was too much to bear says Don & Alba Price of Oakville. Their new cottage is situated on a rocky, wooded lot overlooking Little Lake Joseph in Muskoka.

We’d like to thank Don & Alba (and Tanner) for choosing Colonial Concepts Log & Timberframe and creating such a beautiful retreat. All the best Don & Alba.

5 2009, 08

Friends of the Environment Award!

2017-07-11T17:14:31-04:002009, Aug 5th|News|

Colonial Concepts Log & Timberframe has taken major steps towards an eco-friendly planet.  We have been honoured with the prestigious “Friends of the Environment” award for our commitment to promoting and preserving a green environment.  Our log cottages at Whitewater Village on the Ottawa River near Renfrew have been Energy Star Certified providing an ecologically balanced setting where both nature and people can breathe a little easier- for now, and long into the future.

5 2009, 04

Energy Star® Certified!

2017-07-11T17:14:31-04:002009, Apr 5th|News|

We are delighted to announce that the demo cottage at Whitewater Village, produced by Colonial Concepts Log & Timberframe, has recently been ENERGY STAR® certified!  This is one of the first log homes in Canada that has targeted this recognition and we couldn’t be more proud.

Another order of log  homes will be supplied to Whitewater Village in 2010.

whitewater village logo

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