Eco-Friendly Log Homes
Colonial Concepts Log & Timberframe has taken major steps towards an environmentally-friendly product and manufacturing process. Protecting our forests and natural resources is of utmost importance and we understand the value of conservation and reforestation to ensure our homes have a small carbon footprint. Click below to learn more about us and our process.

“It was very exciting to see our plans and dreams become a reality. Without a doubt our home has a warmth that is especially inviting. Everyone’s first impression as they walk in the door is “Wow!” and we couldn’t agree more. The quality and craftsmanship is evident throughout. The professionalism that your staff and subcontractors exhibited was outstanding.
It has truly been a pleasure working with you.”

“Our experience with Colonial has been excellent (a phrase I do not use lightly). From the initial contact to the last detail, we were accommodated and our concerns and preferences were immediately attended to. We were intimately involved at every stage of the construction. Ken ensured that the schedule was maintained and kept us informed of the progress. There were no negative aspects that we encountered.
We have no hesitation in recommending Colonial Concepts. It was truly a fulfilling and satisfying experience. We and all our guests are proud of the workmanship to the finest details.”
“We are certainly happy with our new cottage abode. We have been very impressed with all aspects of this building process since we started…Just wonderful. Thanks so much for your continued interest and all your help and advice along the way.
We have enjoyed working with your team very much and would have no hesitation in recommending Colonial Concepts if you ever need a personal reference.”
“I am writing to let you know how thrilled we are with the new home.
We had some concerns about building a log home ourselves with the help of our brother, who is a builder however, had never built a log home before. With Colonial’s factory orientation and your on-site support the log package assembled just like you promised.
We would be proud to show our beautiful home to anyone who is thinking of purchasing a Colonial Concepts log home.”
“It’s hard to believe we have been in our Colonial Concepts Log Home for over 2 years. It just seems like yesterday we were walking into your showroom for the 20th time to browse the catalogue to and admire the model home you have built. We always knew we wanted a Colonial log home even after looking into all the other competitors. It was quite the journey to get to where we are today and make the big move from Toronto to Lindsay, but we haven’t regretted one decision and remain extremely satisfied log home owners.
We are always proud to tell anyone who asks, that we own a Colonial Log Home that was designed based on the CARTIER model. You and your staff, and of course your son, were incredibly helpful throughout the difficult decisions as to what model would suit our purpose. We are still thrilled with the floor design we chose, with your assistance and wise input.
Thanks again for all your support over the years. It was a wonderful experience to see a dream begin, and then to actually live it. We have Colonial Concepts to thank for helping that dream come true.”
“Thank you so much for all of your help and expertise during the building of our log home on Mink Lake. You made this process worry-free and enjoyable. We are now looking forward to finishing the inside.
Should you ever need a recommendation or would like to show a perspective client a sample of your product, please don’t hesitate to call. We would be more than willing to help.”
“A lot has happened since July 31st (we have matching bed spreads now!) Kitchen is all done now too. Thanks for sharing. You are welcome to come anytime to help promote Colonial Concepts. In my opinion, there is no one else I would buy from when building a cottage in Muskoka, our experience was second to none.
Ken, thanks for seeing ‘My Vision’ and making it a reality. You saw the lot in the initial stages and it was almost overwhelming for me with everyone telling me I was crazy, and I could not do it. I will not forget that for my next project…. (: Thanks again.”
“We’re long overdue in writing to tell you how much we love the cottage you built. Everyone who has seen our cottage has nothing but compliments about how beautiful it is – not just the building itself, but also how well it fits into the environment.
Building a cottage with a full basement on the side of a hill in the middle of nowhere hundreds of kilometres from home could have been a major challenge. So we were pleasantly surprised at how problem free the process was. When minor problems arose, we appreciated how readily solutions were found. You were easy to work with and it felt like a true partnership.
The attention to detail is evident everywhere. We searched very carefully for a quality log home and it is gratifying to know that our choice of Colonial Concepts was an excellent one. Thank you for building a cottage that will last generations.
Please don’t hesitate to use us as a reference if you wish. Thanks for a wonderful home.”
“Because of your help, professionalism, vision, and knowledge, we are living in our dream!
Good work. You should be proud of your product and your designs.”
“Thanks for being a part of our dream”.